Homeopathy is a natural, non-toxic, affordable and effective medicine that is used by millions of people all over the world. In countries such as Switzerland, Germany, India, Austria, England, Argentina, and Brazil, homeopathy is often the first approach for treating both acute and chronic illnesses.
In the late 1700's, a German doctor named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed the system of homeopathy because he was dismayed by the methods that the mainstream medical professionals were using to treat people. He wanted to find a way to help his patients without causing them further harm. Dr. Hahnemann's years of research and experimentation led him to refine a system of medicine that has stood the test of time as being gentle, deep-acting, and complete.
Many people confuse homeopathy with naturopathy or believe it is the same as herbalism or nutrition based healing. However, homeopathy is a modality singularly different from all other natural medicines in that it is based on guiding principles that have been the basis for its effectiveness for over 200 years.
The first principle is the Law of Similars, which states that a substance which causes particular symptoms in a healthy person will help someone who is ill with the same symptom picture. For example, cutting an onion will cause stinging, watering eyes and runny noses, even in the most healthy people. The homeopathic remedy made from the onion, Allium cepa, is often used to help those who suffer from seasonal allergies when their eyes are stinging and watering, and their nose runs. Another example would be using a remedy made from coffee to help with sleeplessness and hyperactivity.
A second principle is that of Minimum Dose. Homeopathic prescribing is based on the idea that less is more. The smallest amount of a substance will yield deep-acting responses without side-effects, which are inherently common with pharmaceuticals, and even many herbal preparations. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by diluting the original substance so many times that no single molecule remains in the remedy. What remains are nano-particles that hold the resonance of the original source material. By giving the smallest dose possible, a homeopath can circumvent the likelihood of troublesome and sometimes harmful side-effects.
Single Remedy is another principle on which classical homeopathy is based. A classical homeopath will not prescribe more than one remedy at a time. The body's own vital force is triggered by the single remedy to act in a way that puts the body back into balance. If the defense mechanism is triggered by many remedies at one time, the body becomes confused and the response is lacking.
Lastly is the principle of Totality. A homeopath looks at the whole person - physical, mental, emotional - to determine a single remedy that matches the symptom picture of that person. Past health history, family health history, environmental factors, life experiences and perspectives of those experiences are also considered. People are made up of much more than the body part that is presenting with symptoms. The root cause of any illness is not found and eradicated by suppressing the physical symptoms. Symptoms are signals that the body uses to alert us that there is an imbalance within the body general. By addressing all of the symptoms a person’s body is expressing, a classical homeopath is then able to find a remedy found in nature, that displays a similar total symptom picture.
To read more about homeopathy please consider the following links:
North America Society of Homeopaths https://homeopathy.org
American Institute of Homeopathy https://www.homeopathyusa.org
Tutorials from Homeopathy Plus, an organization founded in Australia https://homeopathyplus.com/category/tutorials/
ebook entitled Flat Earth Medicine by Dr. Thomas Dooley http://www.drdooley.net/Book.pdf\